dimanche 6 février 2011

Eat Out – Eat Fit - Restaurant Eating on a Diet

Dieting can be stressful especially when you want to eat with friends and family members. Dieting doesn't mean that you need to stay home and it doesn't mean that you need to eat a salad. The key to restaurant eating while on a diet is eating in moderation and making healthy choices.
Stay informed about the restaurant choices you can make. Many restaurants offer calorie and nutrition contents of their entrees on the menu. Some restaurants even have special "figure friendly" menu selections for those who are dieting. You don't need to have a special menu, however, if you simply follow some basic rules and use good common sense when choosing and eating your restaurant meals.
Choose meals that don't contain fried foods or creamed foods. For example a "soup and salad" platter may sound like a good diet food but if you pile creamy dressing on the salad and order a cream soup you're probably taking in more calories than a simple hamburger platter. To make healthy choices pick foods that are steamed or grilled. Pick fish or chicken dishes rather than beef products. When choosing a meal selection pick those that come with rice rather than a baked potato.
Keep in mind that moderation is the key to dieting when eating out. Reconstruct your meal to make it diet-friendly. Ask for a salad plate with your meal. When your meal arrives transfer only the amount of food that equals a portion. Eliminate any cream sauces or extra foods on the plate that may contain too many calories. You don't need to finish everything on your plate. This is especially true at restaurants where you have no control over the portion size.
No matter what meal you choose know the amount of food that typically makes up one regular serving. Many restaurants offer large portions to fill the plate and these may equal more than one serving. In fact in some cases restaurant meals have been found to contain more than 3 servings on a single plate. To understand what a serving looks like you should experiment at home using various foods. This will help you be better able to eyeball what a single serving should look like.
Don't feel left out when it comes to dessert. If everyone is ordering dessert ask for a cup of frozen yogurt. This will satisfy your sweet tooth while giving you fewer calories than most restaurant desserts. Review the menu to see other options. When ordering after dinner coffee drinks skip the whipped cream and add the sugar and cream on your own so you can control the portions.
Prepare for your meal before you go. Visit the restaurant's website to review their menu online. You'll often find important nutritional information on the online menu. You can take your time to review your best options and make some preliminary choices before you leave home. This way you'll be able to order a healthy yet satisfying meal that won't break your diet.

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